Category Archives: Family and Friends


Gifts.  Who doesn’t like gifts?  Big ones, small ones, preferably thoughtful ones…I love gifts.  I wish I had a list of all the gifts I was given in life, down to what Sally-Lou gave me at my fifth birthday, it would be so fun to look back on.  Some of the gifts I’ve been given however were not necessarily tangible items, some of them were moments, or shared emotions, or times in life…these are my favourite gifts.

Once upon a time, in generations passed I was given the gift of fun.  Somewhere in my roots, my heritage, possibly from my great-great-great grandmother she decided ‘fun’ would be the gift she would pass down to her family.  I imagine her sitting in her old rocking chair and thinking, ‘you know somewhere out there in the distant future I will have a great granddaughter and I want her to know the true joy of life, this is the gift I want to give her’.  She was also wise enough to know that there would be no possible way to actually give me this gift herself so she concocted the most beautiful plan, she would lead by example.  She would teach her children the joy of seeking, the beauty behind discovery and adventure, she would put smiles on their faces that would light up their world.  She would teach them to bring laughter into a room, and remind them that although life is hard work and includes many commitments and sacrifices, it is the smiles you made and the life of your spirt that would count in the end.  She knew if she lived this well and taught this well these traits would trickle down through the generations, and her family would inherit these gifts.

So in my blood I was blessed in bountiful ways.  Emotions, communication, loyalty, hard work, faith, all of these things were passed down but somewhere in my veins was also a pumping supply of laughter, joy, and excitement.  A childlike ability to discover playfulness, and for that I am so grateful.

The top picture is my Great Grandma and Grandpa Klettke…in love, this picture makes me smile.  The bottom picture is my Grandma Klettke (Joan) playing around on the farm with her father in the background who is holding her daughter (Lori).  I love this!  I love my Grandma, I love that she is with her kids and her parents but still a complete goof ball.  While most people in this age were saving their money for pictures of their family with straight edge faces and looks of gloom (I never have understood those pictures), she was striking a pose in her best element…fun.  My Grandma knew how to laugh, and play, and really truly relax and enjoy life.  It was a gift she was given and a gift she passed down the lines. A gift that landed in my lap where I eagerly received it and tenderly opened the package knowing the ‘work’ and thought that went into giving it.

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My heart began to pound as I pulled up to the driveway.  My eyes welled with tears as I could see them running down the stairs to meet me at the door.  I was greeted by two of the happiest boys and two of the biggest, sincerest hugs I have received in a long time.  I melted.  I forgot what those tiny little arms around my neck can do to my heart.  I find shelter in those two little people, my world melts and my heart picks up the rhythm of their pitter patter and then I feel at home.  My mind slows down and I can breathe.  I become flooded with a love that I wouldn’t know how to describe if my life depended on it, and I know at that moment my world could shatter and I would be ok.

I felt this feeling nine years ago when I was first introduced to these special lives and nothing has remotely compared to how they make my heart feel ever since.  When the boys were born I never imagined the journey we would go on together.  I remember meeting them for the first time, when Mandy asked me to be their Godmother.  I believe God was very present in that moment because I remember the depth of my words when I looked down on them and promised I would take care of them forever and always.  I was seventeen when they were born and even then I knew my words carried much weight, I knew my promise would last, and somehow I knew my promise would be tested.  And tested it was as the three of us have shared some amazing, some terrible, and some life altering experiences together.

Never, EVER, would I take back my pain for the joy I had/have with them.  I am so blessed to be part of such a unique family with Conner and Carter.  Today the boys had their ninth birthday…NINE.  The number itself, the fact that they will never again have another single digit birthday, it fills me with so many feelings.  I am sad they are no longer my little baby snuggle bugs, I am proud of them and what they have overcome in their few years, and I am amazed to see their growth. I am excited to see them continue to grow into beautiful strong young men of God, and I have done my share of wallowing for myself as I look at the years that have past and the changes that have taken place.

Conner and Carter have blessed me.  Blessed me in ways I could have never imagined and still cannot comprehend.  I’m excited for their birthday today.  I’m excited and very proud they are spending it surrounded in love, health, and happiness.  If God designed me for one purpose in life it was for those little boys and that in itself gives me gratitude beyond measure.  Happy number nine to Conner and Carter.  Enjoy your last year in the single digits.  Soak in the beauty of your very own special day that God designed especially for you and know how very loved you are today and every day to follow.  Happy Birthday bugs!

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Filed under Family and Friends


“The Sneetches got really quite smart on that day…
That day they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches
And no kind of Sneetch is the best on the beaches.
That day, all the Sneetches forgot about stars
And whether they had one, or not, upon thars.”
~Dr. Seuss

Kiya Jade Matson-Tekeste…you are missed little lady!  Happy one year anniversary with the Big Guy!!!  Auntie loves you baby girl!

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. -2 Corinthians 2:9

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